Or commonly referred to as speed or aperture served to set the time for open and closed back mirror to limit how much light will enter. Such as faucet theory, if we open the tap for too long, then the water collection container so that the surplus was going to be more likely to smear out. If in the case of photography, the medium will burn.
Writing the correct shutter speed is 1 / x. So when it is said that a photograph menggunkanan speed of 60, then the writing is right is 1/60 sec. So do not be confused to say that the 60 speed faster than 30. because the mathematical writing is so right?
photo & video galery
A blog for learning, researching, observing, admiring, training, inspiration and reference for those of you who are interested in photography and videography.
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
whats is aperture of photography?
Or is often called the diaphragm or lens opening is functioning to regulate how much the lens opens. This function is more precisely located on the lens. Logically, the larger the opening, the more light will enter. Like a water faucet. The bigger we open the faucet, the more water will come out.
Writing the correct aperture is f / x. So when it is said his Aperture value is 5.6, then the correct writing is f/5.6. So do not be confused when someone said that the 2.8 aperture lens opening is larger than 5.6. Because if it was true mathematical writing, right? (f/2.8> f/5.6), but most of us are lazy to say f/2.8 or f/5.6, because we are simple people anyway ...: D
Writing the correct aperture is f / x. So when it is said his Aperture value is 5.6, then the correct writing is f/5.6. So do not be confused when someone said that the 2.8 aperture lens opening is larger than 5.6. Because if it was true mathematical writing, right? (f/2.8> f/5.6), but most of us are lazy to say f/2.8 or f/5.6, because we are simple people anyway ...: D
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Video Learning - PAL vs NTSC

Broadly speaking, both have its advantages are still respectively, mainly from the camera, the camera untu pal for example the number of frames that can be captured in 1 second is 25 fps, while NTSC is capable of capturing images up to 29.97 or we round it off just 30 fps. In this case certainly the NTSC camera would be great, especially for the editor because it will be very visible smooth slow motion effect especially if it is enforced, but on the other side PAL camera able to capture the higher resolution: 720 × 576 while only 720 × 480 NTSC so if want the fox to the photo would be better.
To the editor, because for most of the region asia use PAL Pal then the number of cameras that circulate in Indonesia any more, but current developments began to erode this limitation, because almost all TVs are outstanding in Indonesia has adopted automated systems or both of them been able to play well .
Photo Learning - Macro Photography
Photography are two words that mean Photos and Graphos,where the literal meaning is "Painting with Light".
In the photography category of the world we will meet one of them is photography makro.Yang which is currently experiencing a very significant development and very interesting to be learned as well as in understood better.
Why Makro? The answer may be many, and not even mentioned all of them will suffice if macro photography disini.Secara outline is required, among others:
For materials Scientific / identification of species (satwa/tumbuh2an).For Engineering, metallurgical, manufacturing.For the purpose of promotion / marketing of a benda/hewan/tumbuh2an.For beauty, that in this world there are other creatures cipta'an God that we can not see its beauty with the naked eye.And many more.
Detail of an object / object, composition and shape of a small object, surely we will always escape notice, then the macro photography we will be able to see clearly in detail, both color and form.
So through macro photography we can see clearly the details of the eye / facet of a fly (which maybe we will be disgusted when he saw the flies) will be a beautiful shape and color, the buds on the flowers pollinated by bees, which are sucking honey kupu2, carving a groove detail coins, and even freeze a bee in flight.
Along with the growing progress of the current era of digitalization, studying macro photography is something that is not hard, not like in the era of photography while still using analog cameras plus film negative.
Therefore when the SAA is the digital age, macro photography can be done by anyone, young or old, male or female, even for beginners fotogafer and non-pro camera, so long as done in earnest.
Macro PhotographyMacro photography is one of the categories of photography that makes the magnification of an object. Or it could in other words the world of photography to be minimized into the world of Micro.
Enlargement can be done with medekatkan obect with cameras, or even from a distance using a telephoto lens terentu. and must still carry the concept of "Pictures that speak" by involving elements of composition, POI and balance.
In the photography category of the world we will meet one of them is photography makro.Yang which is currently experiencing a very significant development and very interesting to be learned as well as in understood better.
Why Makro? The answer may be many, and not even mentioned all of them will suffice if macro photography disini.Secara outline is required, among others:
For materials Scientific / identification of species (satwa/tumbuh2an).For Engineering, metallurgical, manufacturing.For the purpose of promotion / marketing of a benda/hewan/tumbuh2an.For beauty, that in this world there are other creatures cipta'an God that we can not see its beauty with the naked eye.And many more.
Detail of an object / object, composition and shape of a small object, surely we will always escape notice, then the macro photography we will be able to see clearly in detail, both color and form.
So through macro photography we can see clearly the details of the eye / facet of a fly (which maybe we will be disgusted when he saw the flies) will be a beautiful shape and color, the buds on the flowers pollinated by bees, which are sucking honey kupu2, carving a groove detail coins, and even freeze a bee in flight.
Along with the growing progress of the current era of digitalization, studying macro photography is something that is not hard, not like in the era of photography while still using analog cameras plus film negative.
Therefore when the SAA is the digital age, macro photography can be done by anyone, young or old, male or female, even for beginners fotogafer and non-pro camera, so long as done in earnest.
Macro PhotographyMacro photography is one of the categories of photography that makes the magnification of an object. Or it could in other words the world of photography to be minimized into the world of Micro.
Enlargement can be done with medekatkan obect with cameras, or even from a distance using a telephoto lens terentu. and must still carry the concept of "Pictures that speak" by involving elements of composition, POI and balance.
Multimedia - Interactive for children
We have had a lot of media that can be used to educate or guide the future of early childhood development. One is an interactive multimedia to young children. This interactive multimedia contains about knowledge with media images, video, audio, and text that are designed specifically so that children feel happy and not bored in learning activities.
This multimedia device is typically used in computer / laptop with a very easy navigation system so that children can try to select menus or multimedia content that exists in this.
Multimedia is very suitable for those of you who want to give more guidance to the baby than in penidikan formal, but it is especially suitable for multimedia agencies, foundations or early after the child's school as an alternative method / props.
The following examples of interactive multimedia for early childhood, we provide:
1. Know the technologyChildren get to know some examples of technological devices that are now very flourishing. with this interactive multimedia, children can find out what the future technology devices they will use.
2. Knowing AnimalsChildren can recognize animals according to their habitat of animals with this interactive multimedia, the child will be delighted with the various types of animal characters.
3. Know Fonts & FiguresChildren can recognize animals according to their habitat of animals with this interactive multimedia, children will learn to recognize letters and combinations as well as numbers with a clear and attractive design.
4. Know the SeasonChildren get to know the various seasons in the sides of the country and the world of image 2 with the typical activities of the countries experiencing the season.
5. Know Your ProfessionChildren can recognize a variety of professions and activities undertaken in the field of profession. This method can stimulate children to be more enthusiastic in learning to reach ideal goals.
6. Recognize letters HijaiyahChildren can recognize letters and read them with letters hijaiyah video audio guide and interesting pictures. This interactive multimedia god willing, will assist children in learning to read al-quran.
7. Know of fruit & VegetablesChildren can recognize fruits and vegetables with pictures, penjelsan about the content of vitamins that exist therein. This interactive multimedia can help the child's ability in selecting foods / snacks are healthy and unhealthy.
8. Know SportsChildren can recognize a variety of sports. This interactive multimedia can add to knowledge of children about exercise and its benefits.
9. Identify and learn to mix colorsChildren can recognize a variety of colors and color mixing. other than that in this multimedia training included coloring of various objects by just clicking the "painting"navigation system with a very easy child live objects by pouring paint colors in a single click.
* The format of this Multimedia dugunakan in the computer / laptop apart from that we serve by making interactive format of VCD / DVD.
This multimedia device is typically used in computer / laptop with a very easy navigation system so that children can try to select menus or multimedia content that exists in this.
Multimedia is very suitable for those of you who want to give more guidance to the baby than in penidikan formal, but it is especially suitable for multimedia agencies, foundations or early after the child's school as an alternative method / props.
The following examples of interactive multimedia for early childhood, we provide:
1. Know the technologyChildren get to know some examples of technological devices that are now very flourishing. with this interactive multimedia, children can find out what the future technology devices they will use.
2. Knowing AnimalsChildren can recognize animals according to their habitat of animals with this interactive multimedia, the child will be delighted with the various types of animal characters.
3. Know Fonts & FiguresChildren can recognize animals according to their habitat of animals with this interactive multimedia, children will learn to recognize letters and combinations as well as numbers with a clear and attractive design.
4. Know the SeasonChildren get to know the various seasons in the sides of the country and the world of image 2 with the typical activities of the countries experiencing the season.
5. Know Your ProfessionChildren can recognize a variety of professions and activities undertaken in the field of profession. This method can stimulate children to be more enthusiastic in learning to reach ideal goals.
6. Recognize letters HijaiyahChildren can recognize letters and read them with letters hijaiyah video audio guide and interesting pictures. This interactive multimedia god willing, will assist children in learning to read al-quran.
7. Know of fruit & VegetablesChildren can recognize fruits and vegetables with pictures, penjelsan about the content of vitamins that exist therein. This interactive multimedia can help the child's ability in selecting foods / snacks are healthy and unhealthy.
8. Know SportsChildren can recognize a variety of sports. This interactive multimedia can add to knowledge of children about exercise and its benefits.
9. Identify and learn to mix colorsChildren can recognize a variety of colors and color mixing. other than that in this multimedia training included coloring of various objects by just clicking the "painting"navigation system with a very easy child live objects by pouring paint colors in a single click.
* The format of this Multimedia dugunakan in the computer / laptop apart from that we serve by making interactive format of VCD / DVD.
Multimedia - How To buy of PDA?
Ddigital Personal Assistant (PDA) recently often a gadget choice among businessmen or high mobility. Besides can be used as a phone, this device can also function as a notebook to keep the agenda of such events, or office applications.
1. Service NetworkOne of the first considerations before buying a PDA is a service network, whether operating in GSM, CDMA, EDGE, and so on. Ensure that the device is compatible with the available network infrastructure. Especially for those who frequently travel abroad, make sure the gadget is compatible with the network service in which you reside.
2. Quality of CallsManufacturing cell phones and PDAs are often present many features in their products, ranging from MP3 players to streaming video and gaming. But the sound quality is often overlooked, but this is one important function primarily for those who have a high mobility. Before buying a PDA, you should check first handset models call quality that you seek it.
3. Age BatteryBattery life should also be taken into consideration when purchasing a PDA / phone. How long standby time of such devices, especially if Bluetooth is enabled.
4. BandwidthNot all networks offer a maximum data transmission. If you are frequently download large files via the phone, make sure the phone you buy is compatible with the faster data network.
5. CompatibilityMake sure your PDA can be synchronized easily with the platform and other applications.
6. BluetoothKeep in mind, features such as Bluetooth wireless depends on battery life. For those of you who travel a lot, maybe you will often turn on Bluetooth in order to connect wirelessly to a laptop or internet. For that, make sure your device has Bluetooth connectivity and also good battery life long enough.
7. ComfortDo not just be tempted by a revolutionary mobile designs. Consider also whether you are comfortable using it. For example, there are people who like the sliding type mobile phone to display its keypad, but there are uncomfortable with such conditions. Some even prefer the keyboard touch screen system.
8. Easy On-upgradeLimited memory is often a problem if you want to add applications to your PDA office. Make sure the PDA / phone that you buy and easy to upgrade its memory type matches with these devices, such as mini SD, MultiMediaCard, and SD card.
9. Office ApplicationsSome PDAs have a loading time when opening its office applications like Microsoft Office. Not all phones can view or edit Word and Excel documents, there are not even able to access the PowerPoint presentation application. To make sure that you want to buy a PDA that is compatible with the needs of your work.
10.Voice Dialing and RecognitionSome phones have a function that offers voice recognition and voice dialing for easy mobile phone users to access needed information such as contact lists with a voice call, navigating menus and so on. This could be one consideration when purchasing a PDA / phone, if you want those features?
1. Service NetworkOne of the first considerations before buying a PDA is a service network, whether operating in GSM, CDMA, EDGE, and so on. Ensure that the device is compatible with the available network infrastructure. Especially for those who frequently travel abroad, make sure the gadget is compatible with the network service in which you reside.
2. Quality of CallsManufacturing cell phones and PDAs are often present many features in their products, ranging from MP3 players to streaming video and gaming. But the sound quality is often overlooked, but this is one important function primarily for those who have a high mobility. Before buying a PDA, you should check first handset models call quality that you seek it.
3. Age BatteryBattery life should also be taken into consideration when purchasing a PDA / phone. How long standby time of such devices, especially if Bluetooth is enabled.
4. BandwidthNot all networks offer a maximum data transmission. If you are frequently download large files via the phone, make sure the phone you buy is compatible with the faster data network.
5. CompatibilityMake sure your PDA can be synchronized easily with the platform and other applications.
6. BluetoothKeep in mind, features such as Bluetooth wireless depends on battery life. For those of you who travel a lot, maybe you will often turn on Bluetooth in order to connect wirelessly to a laptop or internet. For that, make sure your device has Bluetooth connectivity and also good battery life long enough.
7. ComfortDo not just be tempted by a revolutionary mobile designs. Consider also whether you are comfortable using it. For example, there are people who like the sliding type mobile phone to display its keypad, but there are uncomfortable with such conditions. Some even prefer the keyboard touch screen system.
8. Easy On-upgradeLimited memory is often a problem if you want to add applications to your PDA office. Make sure the PDA / phone that you buy and easy to upgrade its memory type matches with these devices, such as mini SD, MultiMediaCard, and SD card.
9. Office ApplicationsSome PDAs have a loading time when opening its office applications like Microsoft Office. Not all phones can view or edit Word and Excel documents, there are not even able to access the PowerPoint presentation application. To make sure that you want to buy a PDA that is compatible with the needs of your work.
10.Voice Dialing and RecognitionSome phones have a function that offers voice recognition and voice dialing for easy mobile phone users to access needed information such as contact lists with a voice call, navigating menus and so on. This could be one consideration when purchasing a PDA / phone, if you want those features?
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Photo Galery - Antenna
actually no one should be considered in excess in this picture, this photo is just for fun. I took it when I was working on the marriage of photography work. you think for yourself why I took a photo of this antenna:). to be honest I am very confused that I like is the color and the object that is so unique. what is your opinion?
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